Primary Contact
Pamela Bahrman
+1 906 869 2403
Area 36 Information
N5405 South Ferguson Road
Skandia, MI 49885
United States
288 Participants
18 Sports Offered
Area 36 Sports
Fundraiser & Donation Information
Fundraising is an integral part of Area 36 Special Olympics. Money raised is used to pay for expenses in relation to practices, registration fees, transportation, lodging, food, equipment, and tournament opportunities for our athletes.
All fundraising proceeds and donations dedicated to Area 36, stays in Area 36 and supports our program expenses.
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to Area 36, please make payment payable to Area 36 Special Olympics and mail to Special Olympics Michigan Area 36, N5405 S Ferguson Rd, Skandia, MI 49885.
Getting Involved with Area 36
Area 36 provides year-round sports training for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. Area 36 helps athletes to improve their fitness, learn new sport skills, and experience the joy of winning through competition and training. Along with sports training, we provide athletes the opportunity to meet new people, make friends, travel, and enjoy social events with other Special Olympic athletes and volunteers. Through Special Olympic athletes will gain self-esteem and discipline, which generally carries over into school, home, and workplace.
Area 36 would not be what it is without its exceptional family support. Families play an integral role in the success of the overall Special Olympic organization. Family members make it possible for the athlete to be a part of Special Olympics by encouraging them in their training efforts and sharing their achievements.
In addition, Area 36 would not move forward without all the help and support of our wonderful volunteers. The smile on an athlete's face; the fact that an athlete got the ball in the net; a new friend that an athlete made; the surge of confidence that the athlete feels at the finish line; these athletic achievements are possible because of every person that volunteers along the way and gives something from his or her gifts to support the athletes' goals. During all of our local events volunteers are needed to fulfill many roles from scorekeeper, referee, set-up/clean-up crew, to food servers.
If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering in any capacity with Area 36, please contact Area Director Pamela Bahrman at or by filling out the volunteer interest form at the link under Area 36 Resources.
Area 36 Programs

Special Olympics Young Athletes™ is a sport and play program for children with and without intellectual disabilities, ages 2 to 7 years old. Young Athletes introduces basic sport skills, like running, kicking and throwing. Children learn how to play with others and develop important skills for learning. Young Athletes™ is a fun way for children to get fit. It is a good way of teaching children healthy habits while they are young. Parents say their children in Young Athletes also develop better social skills.