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Athlete Leadership
Athletes who lead the Inclusion Revolution in their communities

Special Olympics Michigan Athlete Leaders lead the charge for Inclusion and Equal Opportunities in roles previously considered non-traditional. Athlete Leaders will broaden their understanding of Special Olympics Michigan and its mission, while learning new skills through a variety of experiences and training sessions.

There are many opportunities for athletes (age 16 and older) to get involved outside of participating in sports. Athletes who participate in the Athlete Leadership Program will gain an understanding of Leadership Roles, Team Building, Verbal and Written Communication, including Speech Writing, Social Media Training, Fundraising Tips and Tricks, Powerpoint/Microsoft Training, and much more!

Two SOMI athletes pose for a photo together with an American flag in the background.

Athlete Leadership Training

Athlete Leadership Training is designed for athletes who want to grow as leaders and participate in additional leadership opportunities. Athletes will come together for a four-part Leadership Development Training, where they will be trained in communication skills, public speaking (global messenger training), life skills development and Special Olympics leadership opportunities. Athletes participating in this four-part training will graduate prepared to share their story as an athlete leader or global messenger at local, regional and state level events. The Athlete Leadership training is an introductory leadership development course and will provide the opportunity for athletes to serve in a variety of leadership roles.

Two female SOMI athletes have lunch together.

Athlete Leadership Lunch & Learn (Quarterly)

All SOMI Athletes are invited to a quarterly leadership retreat, where Athletes will learn leadership and vocational skills in a fun and exciting environment. Lunch & Learn topics will be posted prior to the event and Athletes will have the opportunity to pre-register.

Two athletes and two SOMI staff members sit at a table with a red tablecloth on it.

Athlete Leadership Council

Special Olympics Michigan believes in the importance of Athletes having a voice in decision making on state, regional, and local competitions and events, improvements, and the growth of our programs.

The Special Olympics Michigan Athlete Leadership Council is a forum for athletes to report to other athletes and program leaders what is happening in their local area/region and also to help guide the direction of Special Olympics Michigan by gathering and sharing information, voicing their opinions on important issues and to gain leadership training and experience. Athletes serve on the council for a two-year term.

A SOMI athlete and staff member wearing winter hats pose for a photo together.

Unified Champion Schools Statewide Youth Activation Committee

The Unified Champion Schools Statewide Youth Activation Committee (YAC) is a group of high school students that help promote inclusion and acceptance through the Unified Champion Schools strategy. Statewide YAC members provide guidance and promote Unified Champion Schools through transition initiatives, social media and school-wide awareness events.

A SOMI athlete gives a speech.

Athlete Internship Program

The Unified Champion Schools Statewide Youth Activation Committee (YAC) is a group of high school students that help promote inclusion and acceptance through the Unified Champion Schools strategy. Statewide YAC members provide guidance and promote Unified Champion Schools through transition initiatives, social media and school-wide awareness events.

  • Current Internship Opportunities
    • Coming Soon!
SOMI athletes volunteer at a coffee shop.

Athletes in Volunteer Roles

  • Area Management Team Opportunities: Athletes have the opportunity to be a part of their local management team. Help with the decision making in your local area and let your voice be heard! Contact your local area director to see how you can get involved.
  • Athletes as coaches: Athletes can do more than participate in a sport, they can also coach! Coaching is a great way to broaden skills and stay in the game! With a variety of sports to choose from, we know there is something for everyone! You can find upcoming coaches training under our volunteer tab.
  • Athlete as Board Members: Athlete Leaders are nominated to serve on the Special Olympics Michigan Board for a two-year term. Once nominated the athlete will be asked to attend board meetings and communicate with the Athlete Input Council on a variety of topics and events.
  • Volunteer Opportunities: State Summer Games, State Fall Games, State Winter Games, Poly Hockey & Bowling. For local opportunities please contact your Area Director.

Athlete Leadership Contacts