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2021 State Winter Games Cancelled

As Special Olympics Michigan (SOMI) and its local programs across the state continue to navigate a gradual return to activities, the organization has made the difficult decision to cancel the 2021 State Winter Games. While this decision is extremely disappointing, SOMI athletes and fans can look forward to seeing smaller-scale, high-quality, local sporting events at various locations throughout Michigan this winter. At-home and virtual training and fitness opportunities will also continue to be offered.

The State Winter Games, originally planned for January 26-29 in the Traverse City area, typically sees approximately 900 Special Olympics Michigan athletes compete in six sports including alpine skiing, snowboarding, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, figure skating and speed skating. Unfortunately, at this time, planning to hold a large-scale, multi-day, in-person event that brings together people from nearly every county in Michigan is not feasible. However, the opportunity for SOMI to now focus its efforts more locally is an exciting one, allowing the organization to serve more athletes while also ensuring a safe return to activities for everyone.

We look forward to sharing the exact details for these upcoming local events in the coming months.