Five Michigan schools have garnered national recognition from Special Olympics International for demonstrating a commitment to inclusion.
Lansing Everett High School, Hartland High School, Howell High School, Meadow Brook Elementary and Novi High School have been named National Banner Unified Champion Schools for 2020. These Michigan schools are among 155 schools across the nation to receive this recognition.
A Special Olympics Unified Champion School brings together students with and without intellectual disabilities through education, sports and youth leadership. Schools exhibit a commitment to an inclusive school climate that promotes a sense of collaboration, engagement and respect for all members of the student body and staff. Standards for determining a National Banner Unified Champion School are based upon the three over-arching components that include Special Olympics Unified Sports® where students with and without intellectual disabilities practice and compete together, Inclusive Youth Leadership and Whole-School Engagements.
More than 350 Michigan schools currently take part in the Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools program with only a select few being honored as National Banner schools. For more information, visit