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Water Warriors

Water Warriors

Statewide Civic Partner

Water Warriors Group Photo

The Water Warriors are men and women from all walks of life who have two things in common; their love of water sports and their desire to help people. The Water Warriors participate in a 5-day, 450-mile endurance ride on personal watercraft (wave runner type machines) starting at Mackinaw City, riding the entire length of Lake Huron, the St. Clair River and culminating at Algonac, to raise money for the athletes of Special Olympics Michigan. The Water Warriors Personal Watercraft Endurance Ride began in 1991, an idea born by a member of the Wertz Warrior Snowmobile Endurance Ride, who believed overcoming the obstacles of Michigan's vast waterways and weather conditions could be conquered.

The annual five-day trek takes place the end of July. Each day has pre-planned fuel stops, rest stops, evening activities and overnight accommodations. There are three categories of volunteers: The riders, land support, and water support.

2024 Ride 

Monday, July 29 - Thursday, August 1

Contact for anyone interested in the 4-day ride: Mike Boutsikaris If you are interested in supporting this great cause, or would like information about joining the Water Warriors, please contact: Robbie Waclawski  - 989-774-1427 or

Why we ride

A Special Olympics Michigan athlete receives a ride on a personal watercraft from a Water Warriors member.

"Riding the waves is a physical challenge, certainly, but nothing in comparison to the every day survival of a Special Olympic athlete. To come into port and see that appreciation for our efforts, to give a ride to an athlete on my machine, and to watch the smiling faces and listening to the cheers of the athletes on the support boats makes every muscle ache I experience, every drop of water that I swallow, and all the time I spend raising funds worth it. It's like winning the lottery over and over. Happiness and the giving spirit in this organization is contagious." - Donna, rider

"When I think of the Water Warriors and what it means to me I think the real warriors are not the ones that are riding the jet ski's, [but] the athletes we are riding for. Their challenge isn't just the one-week 400-miles on the water. Their challenge is every day of their life and they never give up, they never get discouraged and they just take it every day like a Warrior! So if doing something as simple as riding a jet ski for over 400 miles to help raise money for athletes so they can do something they enjoy and brings them a sense of pride, then I can't think of anything I would rather do!" - Bill, rider

"There are not words to describe seeing the smiles on the athletes faces at events and stops. You can't help but smile when you see their excitement and dedication when they are participating in Special Olympic games and the pride they take during the awards ceremonies." - Tracy, land support

"Last year was my first year as a Water Warrior and did I have an eye opener! On my journey with the Water Warriors we were able to join the athletes for dinner and mingle. We danced, we laughed, we talked, and hugged. It was an unforgettable evening and and unforgettable week for me. The athletes made me feel as special as they were. Joining this ride I thought about endurance and wondered if I could make it across the big lake. The endurance of this ride is nothing compared to the endurance of the athletes in their everyday lives. Let me tell you, they helped me as much as I helped them. I am proud and blessed to be a Water Warrior and am looking forward to the ride and seeing my new friends waiting for me at every harbor!" - Mary, rider

Water Warriors Board of Directors

  • Chairwoman: Ann Plegue
  • Vice Chairman: Tom Chauvin
  • Members: Jeff Doolin, Chris Johns, Wendy May, Kristine Nowak, Jeremy Kurkierewicz
  • Land Support Director: Jeff Doolin
  • Hotels & Harbors: Tom Chauvin
  • Assistant Land Support Director: Jerry Markel
  • Publicity and Social Media: Mike Boutsikaris
  • Meals: Karen Brenner
  • Safety Officer: Chris Johns
  • Up North Liaison: Brad Saegesser

Events Calendar

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