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Virtual Winter Games
presented by Wertz Warriors
February 26 at 6:30 PM ET

Virtual Winter Games is open to all athletes and Unified partners across the state!

What it is

As we continue on our path to returning to activities, Virtual Winter Games offers competition that can be done from the comfort of your own home or surrounding area. Events fall under the following categories: Snowshoe, Snow Run/Walk, Cross Country Skiing, Alpine Skiing, Snowboarding, Speed Skating, Figure Skating and Fitness.

How it works

Compete from home or within an approved Return to Practice session.

  1. Choose your activities (3 per person). This can be any combination of three events from the 14 options listed below. For example: one from alpine skiing, one from snowshoe and one from fitness.
  2. Practice from the convenience of your home or open outdoor space.
  3. Compete! Find a time to complete your three activities and record the results. Don't forget to take some photos or videos of your activities to submit to us.
  4. Submit your results and photos/videos! Scores must be submitted by Wednesday, February 24.
  5. Join us online here and on the SOMI Facebook and YouTube pages on Friday, February 26 at 6:30 PM for the premiere of our Winter Games Celebration video.

The deadline to submit results has passed. Please tune in across all of SOMI's social media channels and YouTube on Friday, February 26 at 6:30 PM for the premiere of the 2021 Winter Games Celebration video.

Virtual Winter Games FAQ

Have any questions or need help with anything Virtual Winter Games related? Email


50M Traditional

Mark 50 Meters, or 164 feet, on the sidewalk, grass or go to a local park with a track.  If you do not have a measuring tape, measure the distance by taking 60 large steps.   With your snowshoes on record the time it takes to run 50M.

100M Traditional

Mark 100 Meters, 328 feet, on the sidewalk, grass or go to a local park with a track.  If you do not have a measuring tape, measure the distance by taking 120 large steps.  With your snowshoes on record the time it takes to run 100M.

100M Unified

Unified will be a combined time of the Athlete and Unified Partners time, meaning you will add the two times together and submit a total time (if the Unified partner and athlete submit two different times, we will take the average time of the two and add together).

Snow Run/Walk

25M Traditional

Mark 25 Meters, or 82 feet, on the sidewalk, grass or go to a local park with a track.  If you do not have a measuring tape, measure the distance by taking 30 large steps.   With your snowshoes on, record the time it takes to run/walk 25M.

50M Traditional

Mark 50 Meters, 164 feet, on the sidewalk, grass or go to a local park with a track.  If you do not have a measuring tape, measure the distance by taking 60 large steps.  With your snowshoes on record the time it takes to run/walk 25M.

50M Unified

Unified will be a combined time of the Athlete and Unified Partners time, meaning you will add the two times together and submit a total time (if the Unified partner and athlete submit two different times, we will take the average time of the two and add together).

Cross Country Skiing

1K Walk Traditional

Map out a 1 kilometer (0.62 miles) course around your neighborhood or in an open marked off parking lot. You can measure by using an online mapping service, phone app or watch.  Record the time it takes to walk the course.

1K Walk Unified

Unified will be a combined time of the Athlete and Unified Partners time, meaning you will add the two times together and submit a total time (if the Unified partner and athlete submit two different times, we will take the average time of the two and add together).

Alpine Skiing

Ski Jumps

Lay a jump rope on the floor or find a line to jump over. Quickly jump from side to side over the rope, landing each time with your feet about hip-width apart. Record how many jumps you can do in one minute.  Each jump is counted as one: if you go from left to right that is one, then back to left is two, and so on.


Squat Hold

Place your feet at shoulder-width or just outside of shoulder-width. Turn your toes out slightly. Brace your core and keep your chest up.  Swing your arms up to shoulder level as you slowly bend your knees and push your hips backward. Lower yourself until your thighs are parallel with the ground.  Pause and stay in this position for as long as you can.  Submit your time for how long you can hold the squat position.

Speed Skating

Speed Skaters

Start with your feet at hip width and knees slightly bent. Push off your right foot to hop to your left, landing gently.  Lower onto your left heel, allowing your knee to bend into a partial single-leg squat. Bring your right foot behind your left ankle.  Push quickly off your left foot to hop back to your right. Alternate sides for two minutes.  Count the number of reps you complete for the duration of the two minutes.

Figure Skating

Bunny Hops

Stand with feet together, bend at the knees and extend up to hop off the ground. Return to starting position. Count the total number of bunny hops you can do in one minute.



Record the number of push-ups you can do in a row for a minute.  In order to perform a legal push-up, the athlete must lower his/her head and upper body to the floor, touch the chest to the floor, and return to the starting positions (arms extended straight at the top of the pushup).  The athlete’s back must remain straight.  Score is the total number of push-ups you can do in one minute without stopping. For Unified, have each participant record their score, then submit your total team score.


Record the number of sit-ups you can do in two minutes.  The athlete starts in supine (back flat on the floor) position with knees bent and feet flat on the floor.  Athlete keeps arms folded across his/her chest with hands grasping opposite shoulders.  To perform a complete sit-up, an athlete must touch one of his/her elbows to the thighs or knees.  Full sit up is necessary for it to count.  Score is the total number of full sit-ups you do in two minutes. For Unified, have each participant record their score, then submit your total team score.

Daily Online Schedule

  • Wednesday, February 24 at 6 PM: Join us for an online game night as we play BINGO over Zoom. To sign up, click here.
  • Friday, February 26 at 6:30 PM: Winter Games Celebration (on all SOMI social media channels)

Virtual Winter Games Partners

Wertz Warriors

Virtual Winter Games Presenting Partner

Statewide Partners


Statewide Premier Medallion Partner


Statewide Unified Sports & Victor Partner

Real Estate One Charitable Foundation

Statewide Legend Partner

Statewide Civic Partners

Law Enforcement Torch Run®

Statewide Civic Partner

Knights of Columbus

Statewide Civic Partner

Water Warriors

Statewide Civic Partner